Sunday, January 22, 2012

Publishing My First Video

Now things got a little tricky!  After making a 10 min. and 33 sec. video that is an mp4 file, I discovered that it was too long to post on YouTube (over 10 min.)!  Naturally I try the next best thing, SchoolTube.  After three attempts to upload the video and receiving errors each time I figured the file was too big for SchoolTube as well.  Now what?  The only thing I could think of was to post the mp4 file directly to my class’s online learning network, Edmodo. 

The next day I asked my students to watch the review video on our classroom laptops and to take the associated online quiz.  One BIG problem…our bandwidth was too small and only one or two students could stream the video at a time.
I decide to ask the Flipped Classroom community of teachers on Edmodo what to do.  I received some great advice and one teacher mentioned that her long videos seem to upload fine on SchoolTube.  Being the easiest fix I tried SchoolTube again, low and behold it worked!  I was able to embed the video on Edmodo and students were able to watch my final product.  There were still some timing issues with slow buffering but overall it worked well.


  1. Hi, if you request to make longer videos with youtube, you can. I had the same problem with 10 min issue, but I have now made and uploaded many videos to youtube that have been sometimes as long as 30 min:) I flipped my classes for several weeks in Algebra, and Calculus AB, and Calculus BC this past fall. I had mixed reviews, but overall it was a good experience.

  2. Thanks for the advice DRAY, I'll be sure to check into that! I could see the flip working very well in math classes. Would you mind sharing some of the pros and cons you've experienced?

  3. I use Schoology to publish all my class material. I used Edomodo with my students last year before discovering this new site. I love it. I find it has a lot more of the features of say Blackboard but has the interface like Edmodo that the students like and recognize. I would definitely recommend it!

  4. Thanks for the recommendation, it looks like a great site. I'll have to play around with it to see what I could do for next year.


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